Hey everyone! Hope your summer is going well! To this point, on my blog, I have spoken mostly about current events. Things that are happening to me as they happen. While I like to keep folks informed of where I am I also want you to get to know who I am. So, today I would like to share with you a little bit more about myself. Here goes...
I was born and raised in Huntington, WV, and proud of it! Save your WV jokes for another blog. I am a double Capricorn which means I have a very hard head. However, that also means that I, like most goats, will eventually make it to the top of the mountain.
I started singing at a very young age. I still feel that singing is my greatest gift. I want to and I try to share this gift as often as I can. Probably the most important fact about me is that I believe in GOD! Further, I give Him the credit and Glory for everything I have ever done and everything I will ever do!
Talk to you tomorrow!