It's high time "we the people," or at least the "silent majority," break our silence. We are up to our ears in the muck and mire of corrupt politicians. They are every where! We are way past the point, as I see it, to try to fix what is wrong with our governing bodies. We need to start all over again! The members of the Congress and the Senate of the United States are supposed to represent the views of all the people not just the minority groups or the special interest groups, but, the "majority" as well. It is time for real change! We need to clean house. The only way we are going to be able to take back control of this Great Nation, Our Great Nation, is to get them OUT! Get rid of all the incumbents! If you have been a member of the one of the governing bodies of state or federal government for more than 4 years you need to go! I'm tired of the old boy networks and the bleeding heart liberals as well! GET OUT!!
Please excuse my rant, but, sometimes one needs to say what's on their mind even if it is not the view of all. So that everyone knows where they stand. We have lost any since of moral value in this country. The current administration has us heading for bankruptcy. We need drastic moral change!
I don't mean to be preaching to the choir. I am part of that choir. I'm just as guilty as the choir. but, we the silent majority need to come out of the shadows and let our position be know. We can't afford to be silent any longer.
God Bless you!