Staying positive in the tough times is easier said than done. Does anyone else have this problem? I sometimes get bogged down with the little things. I'm always learning how to let go and and let God take care something else. I will over come this! I will conquer this challenge by continuing to send positive thoughts of gratitude, joy, peace, and LOVE! You will too!
I'm going to continue to share with everyone on a daily basis from various "Gurus" on the subject of inspiration. Eventually I will also be recommending programs by some of these "Gurus," as well as, some products that I have tried and found to be useful and helpful in my own quest to be a positive influence our society. I hope you will find this practice of mine helpful and perhaps useful as well!
"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, That's when you see how you create your own reality." Marci Shimoff