Monday, September 21, 2009

"This Is A Magnificent Universe!" - Be careful what you ask for, ok?

My inspiration today comes directly from "The Secret," the book by Rhonda Byrne. In the pages of this guide she uses many spiritual and inspirational teachers to lead us all closer to the understanding of this wonderful truth, This Is A Magnificent Universe! Here it is Marci Shimoff, once again, that reminds us of a quote from the great Albert Einstein.

"The most important question any human being can ask themselves is, 'Is this a friendly universe?" - Albert Einstein

It is then Ms. Byrne that adds "knowing the law of attraction, the only answer to give is, Yes, the universe is friendly. Why? Because when you answer in this way, by the law of attraction you must experience that."

So, let's be careful out there and only put out the good stuff! That way all that can come back to us is the Good Stuff! Talk to you tomorrow!

God Bless!
