Hey everyone,
I was on my facebook account yesterday and I am so happy to see so many good friends old and new. I hope that a lot of you have been following this blog. Some of you have known me for 40 years. Some for 20 years and some for 2 years. Some of you I have not even met. I am honored that you have chosen to follow me and, or, keep in touch with me. Thanks for your loyalty and your friendship.
I rarely talk about, or, point my readers to anyone or anything specific, especially when it comes to politics, or, how to live your life. Those things are personal choices. However, I think that I am going to start. The world could use some good sound advise every now and then. Not that I feel I alone am the man for that job, however, I feel that what I choose to read and those I choose to listen to are a darn site better than those attempting to ruin the greatest county and system the world has ever know.
I make it a point everyday to watch a specific TV program. No it's not THE VIEW. The show is on the FOX NEWS NETWORK at 5 PM in the NY area. The show is THE GLENN BECK Show. I have been watching him for about 10 months. I started watching because I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. You have to understand that within the liberal NY area which I live, the town of Ridgewood, NJ, is one of the more conservative towns overall.
Many of you who have known me for more than 20 years probably find it hard to believe that I would consider myself a conservative. Those who know me less than 15 years would find it hard to believe I was anything other than conservative. I want you to know, I know, that's confusing. So for those who have not spent any time around me lately I have changed. I have grown up. I have children. I am a conservative. There I said it!
God Bless You All!