Morning everyone,
I hope the weekend was a good one. Did everyone get enough Halloween candy? There didn't seem to be as many trick or treaters out this year. It was a bit chilly here in NJ. We made a big pot-o-chili and served it with hot dogs and cider for the families in our neighborhood. Thanks to all who came and contributed to the festivities.
Today I just want to remind everyone to make sure you get out and vote tomorrow. I'll probably remind you again in the morning. I was talking with my neighbors last night and the one thing that seems to be on every ones mind is the direction of the country. In the short run the only way any of us can make a difference in the direction is to vote and encourage our friends to vote. Looking at the bigger picture we must educate ourselves on the processes of the government. When you know the steps that need to be taken to attempt to fix what you perceive as the problems you can move forward in confidence.
I, for one, think that the problem is the government itself! The size of it. The direction of it. And most of all, those holding the positions of power in it! They are only thinking of themselves! They are not listening to the people who put them there. In my humble opinion the only way to change the course of this nation is to get rid of the whole lot of em'! Get rid of anyone who has served more than 2 terms.
I know this will take several election cycles, however, I feel this is necessary in order to get back to the fundamentals of the constitution the way our founders intended. I also know that people don't like to talk about politics. Folks, that is at least part of the problem! How can we get and stay involved (which is necessary in order to make change) if we would rather not talk about it. We must talk about it!
Enough from the soup box. Get out and vote. Pray for our leaders moving forward and talk to your friends about how you, "individually," can help in the process. I love this country! Let's not loose it!
God Bless You!