Talking about family communication today. My wife and kids were away last week. They had a nice visit with the Grand mama and Zayde. I was unable to go. So, the only way to get the play by play was from the daily phone conversations. That way I could feel like I was there.
Daily communication among family members, when you are together, is just as important and probably even more so due to the hectic schedules we all keep. Mom's, dad's and kids tend to run off to their respective events and often don't have/take time to explain until each are running out the door. It's only then, that you find that the individual schedules don't gibe, or, have changed ever so slightly making it necessary for someones schedule to adjust and make it all work. Then of course depending on the importance of the events scheduled someone has to deal with the adjustment and absorb the feelings connected with the changes.
Here is where constant communication with God is crucial. We need to be able to go directly to that place where we ask Gods help in dealing with the possible feelings connected with the changes. A constant connection to and a good relationship with God allows us to remain calm and focused on the necessary steps to achieve and maintain good, helpful and loving communication. As a Christian our walk must be a moment by moment connection with Christ until it becomes our nature.
God Bless You!