I'm tired of _________. One could almost fill in the blank with anything. Each of us could have a slightly different choice depending on our mood each day. The object then becomes how long am I going to let whatever is bothering me, at this moment, effect my mood? The answer, of course, is as little time as possible. One of my mentors Kurt Mortensen says that "mind set" is the key to almost everything. That is true in this instance as well. We need to be in control of what we are thinking at all times. Otherwise we tend to waste time thinking about things that we can't do anything about. So, we need to take our thoughts captive and learn to change our thoughts very quickly.
In Matthew 11:28, says, "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." In other words we as Christians are not supposed to let ourselves be burdened. We are to let go and let Christ take on our burdens so that we can walk in his light and be in constant contact with Him.
I do not think, however, that this means that we should ignore what is going on around us. For instance, if someone, or, some group is trying to take away our rights as children of God we need to stand against that force. In light of what is happening in our country these days we need to go to Christ in prayer and ask how we can best alleviate the attacks on our nations freedoms. This current administration is taking our country in the wrong direction. We must stand up as a people and peacefully obstruct and turn around the course of this nation before it is too late.
What are our options? Well, it is our responsibility to get involved in the political process. We need to vote! We need to research and get behind people that have our values and the best interest of our nation and ALL it's people and put them in places of power to make the changes necessary to get back on track. We need to turn to GOD and pray that He will guide our leaders in the way that He knows is best for this nation.
I've been listening to one voice of reason in this arena of late. The voice is that of Glen Beck. I urge you to, at least, take a listen and see for yourselves. We don't have much time left to make a difference. We need to present a united front in the November election to take back the control of our nation. In my opinion, and I've said this before, we need to clean house! All across this nation we need to elect representative who will do the will of the people. Not the will of the special interest groups!
God Bless You All!