Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Missing others....

Missing those closest to you always causes the heart to feel a bit sad.  At least it does for me.  Most of the time, when I go away, my family is not with me.  And when I return home I get the happy greeting, feeling the love and comfort, I need after being gone.  This trip was different.  I returned to an empty house.

I like my alone time, but, I am a person who also needs attention from those I love.   I think we humans need alone time to clear our minds and get in touch with our feelings set our goals, so we are better prepared to do our jobs and tend to the needs of our family.  However, for me, the most important element of that alone time is the the relationship with my creator!  I personally try to tend to this relationship every day.

I know that when I am away from my family I am sad.  I also know that spending time in prayer with my creator is the only way I can rid myself of the sadness.  All of a sudden I am not alone!  He is with me and I am safe in the warmth of His embrace.

We need to strengthen our relationships with our creator.  He is there waiting for us to open up a dialog with Him.  Give it a try.  It might make a difference in the way you feel and the way you see the world around you.  Oh, and you don't have to have been away to give this a try.  You can you can spend time with God anytime you need.  

God Bless You!
