Monday, August 9, 2010

What a joy...

What a joy to watch children grow!  They are like little sponges.  They absorb more than anyone can imagine.  I think we as adults sometimes think to much about what children will be able to comprehend and therefore stifle the growth of children based on what we have read or more importantly what we have experienced.  I believe it is important to teach by example as well as by instruction.  However, in order to teach by example, we ourselves need to know what behaviors are best suited to achieve the outcomes we desire for ourselves and for our children. 

As this blogging of mine progresses I will touch on several behaviors that have been successful for me and my family.   I will try to give good advise as to how one might achieve similar outcomes as I, or, others that have mastered things that I have not mastered. 

I want to mention another JOY!  What a joy to serve my King!  Jesus Christ.  Most of you know I am a Christian.  I don't say this to put anyone off, or, to boast of my belief.  I respect each and every individuals rights to choose what they believe.  I say this because I am proud of who's I am.  Most people in the world believe that there is a God.  So, let's work from there.  God is good every day!  This is a statement of fact!  We have a choice every day to accept that fact, or, not.  I choose to accept that fact! 

As a Christian that's only the beginning.  From there I must determine what I will do with that fact.  Will I accept it and go about my everyday life based on what society suggests is the way to get ahead.  Or, will I look to the example that is given in the bible as the perfect life and strive to pattern my self and my decisions based on what I already know to be the truth?  I choose the later.

God bless you!
