The class really became about how to teach others to have unshakable confidence. I am going to attempt to explain how it works, so, you can teach it to others. Einstein said that if you can't make a 6 year old understand what you are explaining you don't understand it yourself. I'm not even going to attempt that exercise, but, since most of my readers are older than 6, I think I can do this. So, here goes.
Just to let you know, this is going to take several blog posts. Confidence is something we all need to survive in this dog eat dog world. It involves the ego. We all know we need a strong sense of self the issue is how much is too much and what is our "source" of self. If we know that God created us in His image the rest falls into place very easily. However, if God is not our "source," it's a bit more difficult.
There are two kinds of confidence one is called "skill" confidence and the other is called "instant" confidence. Skill confidence comes from spending endless hours (somewhere around 10K) perfecting a skill until we could be considered and expert on the chosen subject. Instant confidence and how to create it will be discussed next time. Have a great day!
God Bless you!