Thursday, September 9, 2010

Be thankful!

Happy New Year to all of my Jewish readers! 

I woke up praising God this morning, receiting the 23 Psalm, generally feeling good about what the day held in store.  My children are thankful for the extra day off from school due to the Jewish New Year?  I'm thankful for my good health, my beautiful wife, my incredible kids, my family and friends and the many gifts that God has seen fit to give me.  I am most thankful though for the awesome honor it is to be able to praise and worship and be in relationship with the God of all creation!

I had a conversation with my wife this morning where she reminded me that when ever I need to change my mood all I need do is go to my knees and thank God for all of the wonderful things He has given me.  It's just that simple!  Now, that doesn't mean that what put me in a bad mood has gone away. It does however put me in the correct "frame of mind" to deal with the issue.  Which  is almost always the problem.

I think this is a great lesson for perhaps everyone everyday.  We need to be thankful no matter the situation.  These days, with everything we have to manage, it's easy to find ourselves in a less than positive mood.  I suggest that we take a moment to be thankful for where we are and what we have accomplished to get here.  Then, from this place of thankfullness we can ask for God's blessings on our future goals and desires.

God Bless You!

