Thursday, September 23, 2010


The more I listen to the radio, read the news paper, or, watch TV the more concerned I am about the state of this country.  I have never thought of myself as a strict right wing conservative, however, I hold a great deal of conservative views.  When I was younger I didn't always do the right thing.  I know that everyone of you out there are scratching your heads wondering.  Half of you are saying, "tell me something I don't know".  And the other half, like my mom, are saying, "really"?  One thing is for sure you are all saying, "where is he going with this"?

Our country has lost it's way.  It has always been taken for granted that the more conservative of us have been the voice of reason.  Most of us conservatives get our values from the Bible!  This country was founded on those Judeo Christian principles.  Our founders were escaping the tyranny that was being forced on them from an oppressive ruling class.  Hello!  What do you think is going on now?

Our "government of, for and by the people", has slowly, but, progressively been molded into a "governing class of people," called politicians.  They live in their own little bubble and their sole interest is power.  They spend more than half their time trying to get themselves re-elected!

The recent laws that have been jammed down our throats should be enough proof for anyone to determine that we have to make meaningful changes to our political system NOW!  Comments by our current speaker of the house like, "We have to pass the bill to know what 's in the bill in my opinion are grounds for impeachment!  Are you kidding me!  Our liberal congress passed that bill without even reading it!!  For crying out loud!  Wake up, people!  We are only now finding out what is in that piece of drek!

My point is this.  We have not been doing the right thing!  We have not been getting involved in the process to weed out those who have radical views of society.  The current administration is listening to only those who support that radical view.  We cannot rely on the media of this country to tell us the truth.  The mainstream media are part of the problem not the solution.  We as a country need to make sure we get back to the principles that made this country great!  We need to vet and vote in representatives that are guided by the wisdom of God.  Get involved!

God Bless You!
