First day of school here in Ridgewood, NJ. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day end of summer celebration! We were in NC over the weekend visiting our friends the Gilfillans who moved away over the summer. For the past several years had all walked to school together on the first day. The neighborhood kids all walked to school again this year, but, we all missed the Gilfillans.
It is always nice to start the school year off. The kids are all excited to see their friends and meet their teachers for the first time. This year was no exception. All the parents are glad to be getting their free time back that disappears during summer break. There is a real renewing and refocusing of energy going on in everyone.
Renewing the mind is a great thing. I find myself needing to renew my mind quite often these days. I also find that the more often I renew the easier it is to focus on the tasks of the day. In these very busy times I try to spend some time each day on renewing my spirit and focusing on the things that are most important. I encourage everyone to give it a try and let me know if it helps.
Talk to you soon!