Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Me again!

I hope everyone reading is well!  I had a very busy week last week that went through the weekend.  Christy and I along with Laurie Gayle Stephenson sang a concert to benefit the Christian Health Care Center and The Eastern Christian School on Thursday.  As you may recall Thursday was the day of the rain storm.  The performance was in a tent.  Need I say more?  Still, I believe, a good time was had by all. 

Friday I did something out of the ordinary.  I sang at a wedding.  I stopped singing at weddings some time ago though because they conflicted with other work.  I forgot how much fun they are and how much joy is expressed in such a short period of time.  I might be giving thought to working a few into my schedule again.

Saturday took me to St Louis, MO.  That evening Marvin Hamlisch and I performed on the campus of Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO., a lovely new theatre, The Bezemes Family Theatre, in the Scheidegger Center For The Performing Arts.  http://www.lindenwood.edu/center/familyTheater.asp  We had a blast and I met some of the nicest people.  Anne Runolffson was with us that evening.  It's always nice to see and work with Anne.

Sunday morning around 4 AM I awakened to fly to Chicago and then on to San Francisco.  It was a rainy and dank day.  The kind that's good for resting and reading a good book.  That evening Marvin and I along with Maria Friedman re-opened the Venetian Room in the Fairmont Hotel to a sold out crowd and a standing ovation.  The Show was presented and produced by the Bay Area Cabaret.  http://www.fairmont.com/sanfrancisco/Articles/ReferenceMaterial/BayAreaCabaret.htm  The show ended around 9 PM and I was on a red-eye home by 10:30 PM.

I missed my wife and kids while I was gone, but then, that has been the constant drawback to being a performer.  I pray and accept all prayers that my schedule will always be filled with wonderful work like this and I pray the same for all of you.  I endeavor to strive to represent myself and my Lord in all that I do.  Drop me a note and say hi every once and a while.  All the best!

God Bless You!
