Monday, May 17, 2010

Catching up....

Hello everyone!  Today I find myself about a week behind.  I have a lot to say, so, I won't waste time in small talk. 

As, I've said before, I feel it is part of our responsibility in this life to discover our God given talents or gifts.  I further feel it is proper that we share these gifts as often as possible.  I didn't always feel this way about the later statement.  I used to feel that since I was using my gifts as a way to support my family I needed to get paid when ever I would sing.  I still feel when someone else, a company or group, is using my gifts to help themselves make money the organization should be willing to share those profits.  However, of late, I have been getting distinct leadings to sing no matter what the situation. 

I was asked to sing at an event last week with a couple of friends Neil Berg & Rita Harvey.  At the event I met some new friends and saw some old friends as well.  The event was for Covenant House.  An organization that helps homeless kids 12-17 of various situations.  It was a remarkable evening.  I find that there are some things that are best done with no price tag attached.  I got so much JOY from being a part of that event.  If you want to know more go to :  You'll be glad you did!

On to other things.  There is so much going wrong in our country these days.  I think the government has failed us in almost every way imaginable.  Yet, I feel we are at least partially to blame.  Because we have the power to vote!  I think it is time for real change in our country.  I did not vote for the current administration, however, like many who did I hoped for real change.  I do not like what I see!  The only way I can see to make the changes necessary is to become more involved in what is going on in our own communities and also on a national level.  We need to re-evaluate our principles.  We need to seek out people in our communities who have a strong relationship with GOD!  Folks who want to, along with us, stand up and take responsibility to make the changes necessary to set us back on the proper path. 

I think we need new blood in the congress!  I think we need term limits!  I think we need to stop saying, "let someone else fix it"!  We need to get involved and make sure it gets fixed for the future generations of this great country!  I think we need to close our borders until we get the immigration problems fixed.  No person should be allowed entry into this country who doesn't want to learn to speak English and work for a living!

Enough of the soap box.  Go out and get involved!  Help your fellow man.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).  God Bless you all!
