Thursday, July 29, 2010

So, I missed a day of blogging, so what?

I have to take a moment acknowledge my error and move forward.  Nobody is perfect.  Lot's of us tend to get bogged down in the perfectionism of our own personalities.  I'm like that at times.  I want everything I do to be perfect!  This is an irrational thought process that gets me in trouble.  Why?  Well, because I waste time thinking about what I did wrong, or, worse I beat myself up saying I should have done this, or, I could have done that and all the while the thing that I'm so upset about is over and done and nothing is going to change that.  Take it from me perfectionism is a time and self worth killer!  It is not good for anyone to agonize over the mistakes we make in life.  The one exception would be if we hurt someone else by our actions.   Then acknowledge the error say your sorry try to make it right and move on. 

Tomorrow I'll tell you about the master class I taught yesterday!  What a blast!

See ya soon!
