Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Sometimes I just wake up in a negative place.  Sometimes something happens and I find myself in a bad mood.  If I don't do something to change those feelings I end up staying in that bad mood and I waste the day away feeling sorry for myself or worse angry with the world.  Today was one of those days. 

One thing I have tried to teach my children is that God gives us a great day, everyday, that is a given, a fact!  It is up to each of us to accept that fact!  Then we do what we have to do to make sure that we have a great day the way that God intended.

Luckily, I have a mentor his name is Robert Allen. Today he read a bunch of quotes and as I listened I began to feel better.  Here is one of the concepts that I gathered from the quotes given.  When you change your present, "your now", you change your past and your future as well!  Because when you change your present thinking you change the perception of where your past has brought you.  You also change the perception of what the future looks like. 

Don't let yourself spend any time in a negative place.  Period.  It's easier said than done, but, negativity is detrimental to your soul.  It keeps you from building your relationship with your higher power, God, the creator of this universe!

God Bless You!
